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Kraniukas 1/2

Faucet for fermentation vessel 1/2

Faucet for fermentation vessel. For a 20mm diameter hole. With spacer.

Lactol - Lacto rūgštis 80%

Lactol - Lactic acid 80%. 100 ml. Recommended for increasing the acidity of wine and beer. Also suitable for wine that has finished fermentation. Dosage: 12.5ml (=15g)/ 10l increases acidity...
Laktoze. Pieno cukrus.


€2,80 – €8,40
Lactose (milk sugar) is used to add sweetness to beer. Lactose is non-fermentable.
Mead M05 10g.

M05 Mead - midaus mielės

Mangrove Jack M05 - midaus mielės Daug esterių gaminanti padermė, suteikianti gaivių, gėlių esterių, ypač kai fermentuojama vėsiai. Šios mielės labai gerai toleruoja alkoholį ir gerai fermentuojasi įvairiose temperatūrose. Tinka...
Voss Kveik M12 10g.

M12 Voss Quay

Voss Kveik is a top-fermenting yeast characterized by rapid fermentation at very high temperatures, but maintaining a neutral taste with mild citrus notes. M12 Kveik yeast is suitable for a...
M15 Empire Ale 

M15 Empire Ale - alaus mielės

A top-fermenting ale yeast suitable for a variety of full-flavored beers with exceptional depth. Fermented with a rich, rich dark fruit flavor. Suitable for Scottish stouts, American amber ales, sweet...
M20 Bavarian Wheat 

M20 Bavarian Wheat - alaus mielės

Pleasantly soft, light golden color, rich aroma of vanilla and bananas, long-lasting aftertaste. This yeast creates a silky mouthfeel and rich body. Suitable for making Hefeweizen, Kristal Weizen, Dunkel Weizen,...
M21 Belgian Wit 

M21 Belgian White

A traditional top-fermenting yeast with a good balance between fruity esters and warming spice phenolics. The yeast leaves a slight sweetness and if left long enough, turns light in color....
M29 French Saison Ale 

M29 French Saison - alaus mielės

French "Saison" yeast is an exclusive, top-fermenting ale yeast that produces beer with spicy, fruity and peppery flavors. Ideal for fermenting country-style beer. Suitable for Saison and Country style beers...
M31 Belgian Tripel 

M31 Belgian Tripel - alaus mielės

A fantastically complex blend of spices, fruit esters, phenolics and alcohol. In addition, the yeast is tolerant of high alcohol content, making it perfect for a variety of Belgian styles....
Liberty Bell M36 10g.

M36 Liberty Bell - alaus mielės

A top-fermenting ale yeast suitable for brewing a variety of hoppy and distinctive style beers. This strain produces light, smooth fruity esters and helps bring out the malt character. Suitable...
M41 Belgian Ale 

M41 Belgian Ale - alaus mielės

Pungent and phenolic, this yeast echoes the intensity and complexity of some of Belgium's best monastic brews. High attenuation and tolerance to alcohol allows brewing many types of Belgian beer....
U.S. West Cost M44 10g.

M44 US West Coast

A top-fermenting ale strain suitable for American ales. This yeast has a very clean taste, ideal when you want to bring out the character of the hops. Suitable for American...
M47 Belgian Abbey 

M47 Belgian Abbey - alaus mielės

Moderately alcohol tolerant, with less phenolics than Belgian Ale, this yeast is extremely fruity, with extremely complex esters and high flocculability. Suitable for Belgian pale ale and Abbey beer. Attenuation:...
Californian Lager M54 10g.

M54 Californian Lager - alaus mielės

A unique strain of lager that can ferment at ale temperature without associated off-flavors. It also does not require a longer tanning period. Suitable for California Common and any lager...
Hophead ale M66 10g.

M66 Hophead Ale

A yeast enzyme blend that enhances aromatics and esters, perfect for New England, hazy and fruity IPAs. Selected enzymes improve the aroma and taste of late hops and fruit additions....
Bavarian Lager M76 10g.

M76 Bavarian Lager - alaus mielės

Bottom fermentation yeast suitable for most lager styles. Promotes a lower sulfur content than other types of lager yeast, as well as a fuller, rounder malt character and a well-defined...
M84 Bohemian Lager 

M84 Bohemian Lager - alaus mielės

Bottom fermentation yeast suitable for European lager and pilsner style beers. This yeast will produce a mild, delicate and balanced dry and clean beer. Suitable for German and/or Bohemian pilsners,...
Vyno miel?s "Mangrove Jack's" MA33

MA33 wine yeast

This strain can reduce malic content by 30-35% and total titratable acidity, making it ideal for young wines intended for early consumption and fruit with high acidity. This medium fermentation...
Magnetinė maišyklė - „Wort Whipper“ 

Magnetinė maišyklė - „Wort Whipper“

Magnetinė maišyklė - „Wort Whipper“ Dabar dar kompaktiškesnis nei bet kada anksčiau! Vos 28mm aukščio ir 120mm pločio šis mažasis sūkurys gali suteikti didžiulę galią jūsų maišymui. Tinka iki 3L...
Magnetin?s lazdel?s magnetiniam sukikliui 30mm

Magnetic sticks

Magnetic sticks for magnetic spinner 30mm
Magnio Sulfatas (Epsom Salt) 100g.

Magnesium Sulfate

Magnesium Sulfate. Packaging: 100g. Magnesium sulfate, also known as Epsom salt MgSO4 * 7H20, is an important mineral due to its effect on wort and wort pH. It is used...

Magnum - apyniai

€1,34 – €8,40
Alpha Acid: 12.3% and 14% Purpose: For tempering Country of origin: Germany Primarily used as a base bittering hop, it has exceptional growth rate, yield and excellent storage stability, and...
Mai?as salyklui 40x60cm

Bag for malt 40x60cm

Maišas salyklui. Daugkartinio naudojimo salyklo maišas. Naudojamas salinimui ir tekinimui. Išmatavimai 45cm x 60cm.
Mai?as salyklui 50x55cm

Bag for malt 50x55cm

Maišas salyklui - Premium. Tvirtas, daugkartinio naudojimo salyklo maišas. Naudojamas salinimui ir tekinimui. Išmatavimai 50cm x 55cm.
Mai?elis apyniams 15x20cm

Bag for hops 15x20cm

Daugkartinis maišelis apyniams 15x20cm
Mai?elis apyniams 20x30cm

Bag for hops 20x30cm

Daugkartinis maišelis apyniams 20x30cm
Mai?elis apyniams 8x10cm

Bag for hops 8x10cm

Daugkartinis maišelis apyniams 8x10cm
Maistinis tepalas 

Edible grease

Food-grade grease suitable for lubrication of various gaskets and other equipment that comes into contact with food. Haynes CIP-Film has a low melting point of around 48ºC, making it ideal...
MaltMuncher 2 vol? salyklo trai?kytuvas + bazin? lenta

MaltMuncher2 malt crusher

MaltMuncher2 - 2 roller malt crusher. This malt grinder can be adjusted to grind the grain exactly the way you want it. Standard 10mm crankshaft, perfect for beginner grinders :)...


€2,24 – €7,28
Purified maltodextrin obtained by hydrolysis of starch, conforming to FCC. It is a white or slightly yellow powder with a moderately sweet taste and a characteristic odor. Used to add...
Mandarina Bavaria

Mandarin Bavaria

€1,68 – €2,69
Alpha Acid: 7.3% Purpose: For bittering and aroma Country of origin: Germany A hybrid of Cascade (USA), Hallertau Blanc and Hüll Melon, Mandarina Bavaria originated in Hüll, Germany, and in...
Mangrove American Pale Ale, su sausu apyniavimu

Mangrove American Pale Ale

Amerikietiškas šviesusis elis su nuoroda į amatininkų alaus daryklos įkūrėjus. Šis alus pasižymi sodriu salyklo charakteriu su biskvito užuominomis ir subalansuotu kartumu. Sausai apyniuotas Simcoe ir Chinook apyniais, kurie suteikia...
Mangrove Baltic Porter 

Mangrove Baltic Porter

A full-bodied porter with a rich roasted flavor that leaves a nice warm malty sweetness. A rich and complex roasted malt aroma with savory, earthy hop aromas. Black color with...
Mangrove Belgian Tripel 

Mangrove Belgian Tripel

A medium-weight Tripel with complex spiced fruit flavors and aromas, sweet grain malt notes and a gentle warmth on the finish. Amber color with white foam..
Mangrove Irish Red Ale, su sausu apyniavimu

Mangrove Irish Red Ale

Irish Red Ale. Fruity, with notes of dark berries and hints of caramel. Goldings lends a subdued earthy aroma to this full-bodied, richly fruity beer with subtle caramel spice.
Mangrove Red Ipa 

Mangrove Red Ipa

Smooth malt body, complex fruit flavors and a nice balance of hops, finishing with a dry, pleasant bitterness.
Mangrove Spiced Belgian Dubbel 

Mangrove Spiced Belgian Dubbel

Rich and complex, sweet malt aromas combined with bright fruit esters and sharp phenolic notes of cinnamon and cloves. This Dubbel is well balanced, moderately dry and subtly sweet. Dark...

Marynka - apyniai

€1,23 – €6,72
Alpha Acid: 9.4% Purpose: For bittering and flavoring Country of origin: Poland Marynka hops are one of the most widely grown hops in Poland, in the Lublin region. Marynka hops...
Matavimo ąsotis 1L 

Matavimo ąsotis 1L

Sugraduotas Matavimo Asotis 1L
Matavimo ąsotis 3L 

Matavimo ąsotis 3L

Sugraduotas Matavimo Asotis 3L
Matavimo ąsotis 5L 

Matavimo ąsotis 5L

Sugraduotas Matavimo Asotis 5L Nuostabus ir patvarus asotis padės kiekviena jūsų alaus gamybos procese
Matavimo cilindras 100ml 

Measuring cylinder 100ml

100 ml polypropylene measuring cylinder - 1 ml graduation These cylinders have a wide solid base and a 28mm inner diameter. Approximately 24cm high, with 1ml graduation, ideal for hydrometers...
Matavimo cilindras 150ml 

Matavimo cilindras 150ml

Matavimo Cilindras 150ml. Negraduotas. Skersmuo: 32mmAukštis: 240mmTalpa: 150cm3
Matavimo cilindras 250ml 

Measuring cylinder 250ml

250ml measuring cylinder with (2ml divisions) These measuring cylinders are made of the same laboratory grade borosilicate as Erlenmeyer flasks. The volume of the measuring cylinders is 250ml with 2ml...