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Coopers Brew A Ipa 

Coopers Brew A Ipa

Thomas Cooper's first recorded beer was named "A". According to the 1862 May 13 brewing magazine, A had four bushels of malt and eight pounds of Kent hops in 46...
Coopers Canadian Blonde 

Coopers Canadian Blonde

A crisp light malt aroma with a sharp hop spice, a clean and light taste with an obvious hop bitterness at the end. Pale straw color. Perfect for summer drinking.
Coopers Dark Ale 

Coopers Dark Ale

Rich mahogany color and creamy foam. Roasted malt aroma with a hint of chocolate, a rich flavor dominated by roasted malt, enough hop bitterness to balance and a dry finish.
Coopers Irish Stout 

Coopers Irish Stout

Coopers Irish Stout Sodrus, tamsus gėrimas, pasižymintis kavos, šokolado ir saldymedžio aromatu, skrudinto kartumo natomis ir sausu skoniu. „Coopers DIY Beer Irish Stout“ yra autentiško recepto alus, kurį sudaro salyklinių...
Coopers Lager 

Coopers Lager

Coopers Lager - Alaus ekstraktas Šiaudų spalvos su aukso atspalviais ir balta puta. Lengvas gėlių aromatas atsiskleidžia lengvo ir vidutinio sunkumo skonyje su subtiliu salyklo ir apynių aromatu bei švaria...
Coopers Mexican Cervesa 

Coopers Mexican Cerveza

Mexico is famous for its arid lands, dusty conditions and sweltering heat. Therefore, it is not surprising that the people of Mexico are very good at quenching their thirst. Coopers...
Coopers Preachers Wheat 

Coopers Preachers Wheat

Thomas Coopers Preacher's Hefe Wheat. Galbūt nustebsite, bet Thomas Cooperis buvo ne tik alaus darytojas, bet ir pasaulietis pamokslininkas. Visa tai buvo aukščiau nei laive. XX a. viduryje metodistai gyrė...
Coopers Real Ale 

Coopers Real Ale

Bright golden color, with strong foam. A pleasant mix of fruit and malt on the nose, rich in the mouth and a medium bitter finish. A good example of Coopers'...
Coopers Sparkling Ale 

Coopers Sparkling Ale

Thomas Coopers Innkeeper's Daughter Sparkling Ale. Pirmoji Thomo Cooperio žmona Ann buvo užeigos šeimininko duktė, todėl ji žinojo kai ką apie alaus gamybą. Iš tikrųjų, kai Ann susirgo, Thomas panaudojo...
Coopers Stout 

Coopers Stout

Coopers Stout - Salyklo ekstraktas Tamsiai rudos spalvos su išliekančia puta, primenančia espreso kavos putą, kavos, šokolado ir grūdų aromatų mišinys, išskirtinis pojūtis burnoje ir tamsaus salyklo savybės, salyklo taninų...
Chateau MAIZE FLAKES¨ (kukur?z? dribsniai)

Chateau CORN FLAKES (corn flakes)

€0,39 – €3,36
Chateau cornflakes help soften the beer's body and flavor, refreshing it with a clean and crisp taste and a nice light color. Used for American lagers and light beers up...
Cornelius Keg 19L (Refresh)

Cornelius Keg 19L (Refresh)

Restored Cornelius Kegas 18 liter capacity. Cornelius kegs (or simply "Corny kegs") are metal containers for storing and transporting liquid products, especially beer. They are also called "soda kegs" or...
Cukranendri? Cukrus

Cane Sugar

Raw (unrefined) cane brown sugar. Package 1 kg. Dark cane sugar gives beer and wine a specific taste. Color: from brown to dark brown. As this is a natural product,...


€4,48 – €12,32
Dextrose is used in a variety of brewing processes, from thickening to carbonation. It is also suitable for making kombucha. Sweetness relative to sucrose (100) = 74.3. Dextrose = glucose,...
Lallemand Diamond

Diamond - alaus mielės

Sausos alaus mielės Lallemand Diamond "LalBrew Diamond™" - tai tikros lagerio mielės, atrinktos iš "Doemens Academy Culture Collection" kolekcijos Vokietijoje. "LalBrew Diamond™" pasižymi puikiomis fermentacijos savybėmis ir geba gaminti švarų,...
Distiliatoraus kolona VANDENIUI

Distillation Column

The set includes a column with garden connectors and a cover for the column 30.5 cm wide with a 47 mm hole in the middle.
Distiliavimo komplektas

Distiliavimo komplektas

35L distiliavimo komplektas Šis pilnas rinkinys skirtas norintiems pasigaminti švaraus gryno distiliuoto vandens. Visa sistema sukurta taip, kad būtų taupomas laikas, pinigai ir detalės, ir telpa į vieną dėžę, kad...

Distiller's mielės VODKA

Still Spirits Vodka mielės Aktyviosios džiovintos mielės, kurių fermentacijos profilis yra švarus ir kurios kartu su tinkama mielių maistine medžiaga tinka bet kokiam cukraus pagrindui. Šios degtinės mielės pasižymi itin...

Distiller's mielės WHISKEY

Still Spirits Whiskey mielės Aktyvios džiovintos mielės, specialiai sukurtos taip, kad fermentacijos metu galėtų išsivystyti tam tikri giminingi junginiai. Ši padermė leidžia pagaminti aromatingą, elegantišką ir gerai išbaigtą viskį, kuris...
Dovanų kuponas 

Gift Coupon

€11,20 – €560,00
Give the gift of the joy of brewing.
SG Wines Classic 30 Bottle Dry White 

Dry White - vyno rinkinys

The SG Wines Classic 30 Bottle Dry White Wine Making Kit allows you to make a light and easy to drink dry white table wine. YOUR WINE KIT CONSISTS OF:...
East kent golding

East Kent Golding - apyniai

€2,80 – €4,48
Alpha Acid: 6.8% Purpose: For bittering and aroma Country of origin: England A wonderful aroma with notes of lavender, spices, honey and thyme. The taste is earthy, slightly bitter, sweet,...
Lalvinª EC-1118ª 5g.

EC-1118 vyno mielės

Lalvin EC1118 is used for its excellent properties in the production of sparkling base wine and secondary fermentation in the bottle. It is very resistant to osmotic pressure. Lalvin EC1118...
El dorado 

El Dorado - apyniai

€2,69 – €4,70
Alpha Acid: 15.3% Purpose: Bitterness and Aroma Country of origin: USA El Dorado is a dual purpose hop. Used as a malting hop, El Dorado provides a mild and balanced...
Elektrodas AD11

Electrode AD11

Replacement Electrode for the AD11 device
Milwaukee MA73600

Electrode Milwaukee MA73600

The Milwaukee MA73600 is a replacement pH and temperature probe for the pH51 and pH54 testers (sold separately).
Stiklinė kolba 5000ml 

Glass flask 5000ml

Erlenmeyer conical flask 5000 ml (borosilicate) Ideal for large yeast starters. Yeast can take your beer to the next level by providing the flavor characteristics of yeast. Instead of the...
Lallemand Farmhouse 

Farmhouse - alaus mielės

Sausos alaus mielės Lallemand Farmhouse "LalBrew Farmhouse™" yra nediastatinis hibridas, atrinktas gaminti saison ir kaimiško stiliaus alų. LalBrew Farmhouse™ buvo atrinktas taikant pažangiausius veisimo metodus. Tyrėjų komanda, naudodama klasikinius ir...
Fermentacijos rinkinys Expert 20

Fermentacijos rinkinys Expert 20

Fermentacijos ir alaus išpilstymo rinkinys Šis namų aludarystės rinkinys yra puikus pasirinkimas tiek pradedantiesiems, tiek patyrusiems aludariams. Komplektą sudaro visi būtini įrankiai ir priedai, reikalingi sklandžiam alaus gamybos procesui: fermentacijos...
Fermentavimo alsuoklis

Fermentation breather

Plastic fermentation breather - bubbler. Designed to release excess Co2.
20 litr? talpos fermentacijos indas

Fermentation vessel 20L

Speidel fermentation vessel 20ltr capacity. In the set. Breather and faucet. The fermentation vessel is ready for use. fermentation tanks are also true Speidel quality: high-quality materials and clean processing...
30 litr? talpos fermentacijos indas

Fermentation vessel 30L

Speidel fermentation vessel 30ltr capacity. In the set. Breather and tap and capacity scale. The fermentation vessel is ready for use. fermentation tanks are also true Speidel quality: high-quality materials...
Fermentavimo kibiras (skaidrus) 33L 

Fermentavimo kibiras (skaidrus) 33L

Skaidrus fermentavimo kibiras. Su baltu dangčiu. Esant pageidavimui galime išgrežti skyles alsuokliui ir kraneliui.  Kibiras netelpa į paštomatą. Galima atsiimti parduotuvėje arba užsisakyti siuntimą į namus.
Fermentavimo komplektas (skaidrus) 33L 

Fermentavimo komplektas (skaidrus) 33L

Fermentavimo komplektas 33L. Skaidrus. Su baltu dangčiu. Su mūsų Fermentacijos komplektu 33L jūs galite lengvai ir patogiai gaminti savo mėgstamą alų namuose. Šis komplektas yra patikimas pasirinkimas kiekvienam aludariui. Komplektą...
Fermenterio kranelio nuos?d? filtras.

Fermenter tap sediment filter

Minimize the amount of yeast and/or hops that enter the final product during bottling.
Ferminator Basic

Ferminator Basic

The Ferminator ensures fermentation at a precise and stable temperature. Room temp. (20 °) Ferminator can reduce the temp. to 0 ° and raise to 50 ° *. The Ferminator...
Ferminator Connect

Ferminator Connect

Ferminator Connect with WiFi It is now possible to control the Ferminator online and see the current temperature and settings. Watch Ferminator Connect in real time from any modern mobile...
Ferminator Plug & Pour

Ferminator Plug & Pour

Upgrade your Ferminator to a full-blooded draft beer system with a simple accessory and pour craft beer into your glass right away. Plug & Pour is a simple solution to...
FermZilla 30L

Fermzilla 30L - All Rounder

This set includes: 1 x tank 1 x stainless steel handles 1 x 304 stainless steel stand 1 x Airock 1 x pressure cap 1 x temperature sticker 1 x...
Filtras silikoninei žarnelei 

Filter for silicone hose

Filter for floating silicone hose. This really handy little filter can be used on silicone floating dip tubes to prevent hops or other solids from getting into the dip tube...
Phosphoric acid

Phosphoric acid

Phosphoric acid 75% Package: 250ml. This acid can be used to acidify the wort. It gives beer a good taste and is an additional source of phosphorus for yeast. The...
East kent golding

Fuggle - apyniai

€2,02 – €3,36
Alpha Acid: 5.3% Purpose: For aroma Country of origin: England Fuggle is an aromatic hop that is usually only used at the end of the boil, including dry hopping. Sometimes...
Geltonas karbonizavimo dangtelis 

Yellow carbonization cap

Yellow plastic cap for carbonation, pressure filling, line cleaning. Tired of mixing up your FermZilla connectors, wish your liquid line was a different color? KegLand now offers yellow and red...
Geltoni 26mm 100vnt.

Yellow 26mm

€3,36 – €13,44
Yellow beer bottle caps. 26 mm.

Hersbrucker - apyniai

€1,57 – €2,80
Alpha Acid: 3.4% Purpose: For bittering and aroma Country of origin: Germany Low in alpha acids and low in cohumulone, the aroma is pleasant, balanced, fruity, spicy and floral. This...