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"Ball-lock" Disconnect (thread) Beer
"Ball-lock" Disconnect (thread) for liquid (beer). MFL
Irish lichen
Irish moss (Irish Moss). Packaging: 50g. Increases the viability of yeast during fermentation, improves the transparency of beer. Dosage: 1/4 teaspoon per 23L of wort. Typical dose 3g.-20L Pour into...
Brewster 40 RENTAL
€22,40 – €44,80
Alaus gaminimo įrangos NUOMA - Brewster 40 Automatinio alaus gaminimo puodo Brewster Beacon 40L nuoma. Komplekte aušinimo spiralė ir apynių sietelis. Naudojimo instrukcija. Kaina vienai parai 20€, dviems 35€. Savaitgaliui...
Breather SmartVent
Plastic SmartVent respirator - bubbler.
Keeps the airlock tightly closed: a good seal facilitates fermentation, effectively isolates air and prevents oxidation. Very quiet.
Aludario startas "Bazinis"
Aludario startas "Bazinis" Naminio alaus gamybos bazinis rinkinys pradedančiam. Rinkinį sudaro: 1x Fermentavimo kibiras1x Alsuokis su tarpine1x Kranelis su 1/2' sriegiu1x Plastikinė mentelė1x Buteliu uždarytuvas KELLY 26mm100x 26mm sidabriniai kamšteliai1Kg...
Aludario startas "Premium"
Fermentavimo rinkinys "Aludario startas Premium" Rinkinys pilnai sukomplektuotas puikiai pradžiai. Rinkini sudaro: 1x Fermentavimo kibiras1x Alsuokis su tarpine1x Temperatūros juostelė1x Kranelis su 1/2' sriegiu1x Plastikinė mentelė1x Butelių uždarytuvas KELLY 26mm1x...
Brewer's Notebook
Booklet with bamboo covers, bound with metal bows with ecological paper. Dimensions 18x14.5 cm. Covers are 2mm thick.
Anti-Foam suppressor.
Silicon based product. Prevents formation of foam during distillation. Completely odorless, tasteless and completely neutral.
Quantity 100ml.
Ascorvit (Vit. C)
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Package 100g.
Used to prevent oxidation of juice, wine and beer. Dosage: 0.5g/10l of juice, beer or wine. It is added before bottling.
Octagonal cooler
Cooler dimensions: Diameter: 53 cm Spiral height: 53 cm Height with ear: 63 cm 35 meters of winding. Made of stainless steel, connects to a standard garden hose connector.
Cooling Hose - Mini
Diameter 13cm
Total height 33cm
Cools up to 20 liters of liquid most effectively
Made of copper
Cooling coil BB40
Stainless steel cooler, 8.8 m
Diameter 25 cm.
Height 37 cm.
Without fittings.
Automatic siphon for bottling "Easy Start"
The length of the siphon pipe is 44 cm, a 150 cm long siphon hose is included. The siphon does not have a tip (siphon valve) that needs to be...
Well done
Decided to start a brewery? Why not make it easy from the start? This set of equipment will allow you to step directly to the highest level without any worries...
Bourbon Vanilla Pod
Bourbon Vanilla Pod. 1 pc. Weight about 4g. Valued for its aroma, vanilla is used in cooking, It soothes, stimulates appetite and digestion, gives desserts a delicate fragrance. Used in...
Bottle dryer
Bottle dryer for 80 places.
Modular bottle dryer. sections can be removed and added.
Bottle washer MAGNUM CM.45 MULTIJET
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